About Freedomism
Hello to everyone who has an open mind to read my holy book. I am Mohammad Ziyad Hamed, and I am a God and so are you. In order to obtain our Godly powers we must become wizards or witches. All matter and anti matter are Gods and I am the Prophet for all the Gods out there and a mercy to humanity. I am ending the age of hell and giving people a chance to redeem themselves by being reincarnated in this world or another one that would better fit to help you progress and mature. You don’t need to believe in freedomism you just have to be a good person and if you pass you will not be reincarnated as a human but will be resurrected as a God who will have their own world to rule or they can choose to be in a heaven of another God . People will have a choice for what they want in the afterlife even if they want to die permanently then they have the choice. Everyone gets paradise one day as there is no hell anymore but reincarnation. Karma is how people are judged if they do good or bad it’ll come back to them. If by the end of your life your karma is in the negative then you will be resurrected in one of the worlds of the Gods either this world or another world that would better help you get a neutral or positive karma which when you accomplish you will go to heaven . If you stop reading right here I wouldn't blame you but I am not trying to convert you to my religion. If you want to follow Freedomism to free yourself from the shackles of religion then you're more than welcome but if you want to remain under your religion or non religion you're more than welcome too. I teach that every path leads to heaven and we do not need to change who we are to enter heaven. May God, the Gods, be with you while you read my holy book and may my holy book inspire you to find your way in life.
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